KDE Programs Naming Convention

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jan 10 13:23:17 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On 09/01/2008, Norberto Bensa <nbensa at gmail.com> wrote:
>> And remember: not everyone speaks English... So what should be meanful
>> to you, it's not to the other 6 billions people out there...
> I don't speak English either. In fact, we don't even use Latin
> letters, or even write from left to right! Despite all that, my users
> _still_ demand meaningful names. I'm not giving you _my_ opinion,
> because I personally don't care. I'm reporting what is reported to me
> by many users.

Neatly sidestepping the issue of what your users consider a "meaningful
name" :-) Which side of this fence are you and your users on? Could you
give some examples?  

imo (and I'm sure there's a well-researched body of knowledge in the
advertising field to prove or disprove) a good name is readily identified
with the product, easy to use and easy to remember.  Names like Word and
Access meet the last two criteria, but fail on the first because they are 
so commonplace.  abcde fails on the second (because it's five syllables
with no simple way to pronounce) and fails on the third in any language
where it isn't an acronym (probably all of them that aren't English).  On
those grounds, many of the KDE names are actually very good.

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