Chris Miller
lordsauronthegreat at
Wed Jan 9 22:56:06 UTC 2008
On Jan 9, 2008 2:49 PM, Stew Schneider <stew.schneider at> wrote:
> You know, one of the most recurrent problems is entering an office that
> has an Access app and realizing that this one app is going to keep them
> from the Linux world unless you are willing to dump the data to mysql or
> some such and then (the biggest headache) recreate the forms, queries
> and reports from scratch.
> I've never found a package that will do that. Anybody know of one?
Useful while you're recreating. I know of nothing that really does it
like magic, though recently using Joomla and Fabrik I was able to
easily create forms and tables and rot like that without excessive
pain. It's not really powerful unless you want to write custom PHP
scripts to handle some postprocessing, but it does work.
Registered Linux Addict #431495
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