Video Problem WMV

Donn donn.ingle at
Wed Jan 9 08:44:45 UTC 2008

> Empty sources list doesn't look very bright to me unless I can replace
> them from my Kubunti cononical CD.
Yes, sounds like the directory has been erased. What ever have you been up 
to? :P

Have a look on the CD, that's the best place to get it from. Copy sources.list 
into /etc/apt/ and then do the update, upgrade tango again.

If you can't find sources.list, I can send you mine, but it's oriented towards 
South African servers and will likely not help you. I know there is a website 
that let's you build a new one, but you'd have to search.

Others may post theirs, what's your physical location in the world?

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