KDE Programs Naming Convention

Norberto Bensa nbensa at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 04:19:23 UTC 2008

Quoting WANSTALL Malcolm <malcolm.wanstall at cnh.com>:

> Simply put, a _potential_ user saw an incredibly minor aesthetic issue...

I guess that very same user had no problem with WINsomething and  
iSomething. I don't see why Gsomething and Ksomething is a problem for  

And no. It was not an attack on you. I'm sorry very much if you took  
that way. I'm subscribed to many MLs (Gentoo, Kubuntu, KDE*) and this  
topic comes every now and then (more often than I'd like) and I would  
like it to die already. K* and G* is an easy way to know which  
environment does the application run (which libraries do you need, etc.)


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