Dolphin Can't save Bookmarks?

Clark cpmcc at
Sat Jan 5 05:10:05 UTC 2008

Thanks Andrew and Stew,

this really helps sort some misconceptions right at the start.


Stew Schneider wrote:
> Andrew Jarrett wrote:
>> On Jan 4, 2008 7:04 PM, Clark <cpmcc at> wrote:
>>>  Whatever the niceties of the options above, all way above my head, by
>>> inserting a literal copy including spaces and Capitals,  Dolphin no longer
>>> does peculiar things on shut down.  Is Sudo the Linux command language and
>>> if so where do I access the hand book?
>>>  Thanks Terence and Nils,
>>>  Clark.
> Andrew has done a smashing job of explaining this, but it occurred to me 
> that there may be one piece of it that is still puzzling to you, if you 
> are coming from the Windows world.
> One of the reasons Linux is more secure than Windows is the idea of 
> "permissions". A permission (as applied to a file) means just that -- 
> what a particular user can do with a particular file. In Windows, you're 
> constantly running as superuser (Computer Administrator) unless you 
> specifically don't (Limited User). That means you can do as my father 
> did with the first computer I gave him -- delete all those files that he 
> didn't know what they were. In his case, that would have been the 
> operating system.
> In a *nix system, those files belong to a user called root, and only 
> that user can write or change them, because the permissions are set up 
> that way.
> Let's say you had a system file and you looked at it with the command ls 
> -l, which is like dir in the command window of a Windows box. You'd see 
> something like:
> -rwx------ 1 root root     9248 2007-03-03 22:37  important.fl
> The file is owned by the user root, and belongs to the group root. It 
> was created 03/03/2007 at 22:37 and is named important.fl
> Now, in a Windows system, running as a computer administrator, you could 
> do anything you wanted to this file, even delete it. In Linux, only the 
> owner could do anything with this file, because of the way the 
> permissions are set.
> -rwx --- ---
> I divided the permissions up into three sections for clarity. The first 
> section, rwx, means that the owner (root) can read, write or execute the 
> file. The next group of three, ---, are the group permissions. A member 
> of the root group who *isn't* root can do nothing with the file. The 
> last three are similarly the permissions for everybody else, and they 
> can't do anything with it, either.
> By carefully setting the permissions and ownership of files (and 
> commands are files, too), you can control who can do what to which file.
> Pulling it together, something in your Dolphin installation made the 
> file belong to somebody other than you. So, you need to change the 
> ownership to fix it.  Let's say the file (sitting in your ,kde folder) 
> was called myfile. ls -l might show:
> -rwxr-xr-x   bruce bruce 9248 2007-03-03 22:37 myfile
> For it to operate properly, assume it needs to be:
> -rwxr-xr-x   clark clark 9248 2007-03-03 22:37 myfile
> BUT, the file doesn't belong to you, so you don't have permission to do 
> anything to it, including changing the ownership from bruce to you, and 
> until you do, you can't write to that file because only bruce has write 
> permission.
> Enter the super user, again. You can't log in as root, as a security 
> precaution, but you can *masquerade* as root, *if* you're in the sudoers 
> group (that keeps bad guys from logging in and messing with your files). 
> Since root can do anything to any file, using sudo you can correct the 
> ownership error.
> stew

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