Options To get Working

Valter Mura valtermura at yahoo.it
Thu Jan 3 10:47:00 UTC 2008

Il mercoledì 2 gennaio 2008 22:15:24 Clark ha scritto:

Hi Clark, I'm also quite new to Linux

> I have a system that gives OOO without spellcheck;

my system works well, also with spellchecker (if you mean grammar check, 
actually is not developed in OOo)

> Thunderbird without 
> the option of right click send photo in condensed form, it will send a
> photo but it is huge;

Well, I don't use TB, but with Kmail (please try it) it is very easy, you just 
right click in Dolphin (the file manager/browser) on a picture and it opens a 
new message with the attachment.

> I selected storage media from the system menu to 
> save a file to Floppy and it can't find the Floppy,

Well, do you still use floppy disks? ;-)

> the relevant Help 
> files either speak in command line (which I don't understand or give the
> message no help files;

there are the man pages that help you in an extensive way, remember that the 
most Linux systems are developed by volunteers and some things lacks, but man 
system is good (imho)

> I tried to Rip a DVD and KB3 just sits there 
> without moving, it won't even play the DVD.

I've already ripped DVD and CD and KB3 worked quite well, perhaps you wrong 
something in some passages...

> It seems I have wasted more than a week on Kbuntu, time to move on.
> Is there any chance that Ubuntu or some other distribution would work or
> is this "what you see is what you get Linux".

I thought the same before, and I still have some problems with some hardware, 
but you need to start thinking that Linux doesn't work in the same way than 
Windows. Uncle Bill doesn't want us to think in front of a comp, Linux system 
I realized that with Windows you just press idiotically the keys in the 
keyboard while in Linux you need (for more complex problems) "also" to think.
Linux also offers to you the opportunity to know what are you doing 
inside "your comp", while Windows doesn't in most cases (have you ever read 
its licence agreement? Painfully)
This is my humble opinion, the one of a very newbie in this world.

If you have problems, the community is here to help you!

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Coltiva Linux, tanto Windows si pianta da solo.

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