Dolphin Can't save Bookmarks?

Terence Simpson stdin at
Wed Jan 2 20:20:05 UTC 2008

Clark wrote:
> Terence Simpson wrote:
>> Clark wrote:
>>> Another problem,
>>> 1. Dolphin gives an error message on closure "Dolphin can't save
>>> bookmarks ......"
>>> 2. How do I copy the error message so I can paste it into a Email
>>> and forward it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Clark.
>> expanding on what deguz said, "sudo -r chown $(whoami):
>> ~/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/" will fix that.
>> This happens when you run dolphin (or any GUI) with sudo (as opposed to
>> kdesu/kdesudo).
>> Terence
> Thanks Terence,
> as a someone new to Linux the above though no doubt helpful to the
> experienced Linux user, is meaningless to me.  Can you or someone
> explain or describe more fully what this means, how much of the above
> is entered on the command line, is the ~ a literal entry or does it
> imply prior knowledge.  Assistance please, what goes where and how
> much.  And by the way is this a reported Bug?
> Clark
Hi, Everything inside the quotes is supposed to go on the command line,
just copy & paste that line (when you enter ~ into a shell it get's
replaced by the location of your home directory, usually /home/username).
This particular bug happens when the application is ran with sudo (the
command you prefix other commands to run them with root privileges), so
when that application tries to save a file (your bookmarks in this case)
it writes it as root. The problem with sudo is that it keeps your
current home directory set, rather than setting it to roots, this can
cause problems as you've found out.
The bug as been reported against kdesudo a while ago (and has been fixed
to my knowledge). kdesu and kdesudo do some special things to set the
right environment up before running the graphical application that sudo
does not (as it's only supposed to be used for command line
applications), so just remember to use kdesu to run graphical
applications as root if you ever need to.

The link to the bug report is <>

I hope this has answered all your questions :)


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