Automatically Starting a Script

Tim Johnson tim at
Wed Jan 2 05:17:52 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 01 January 2008, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> > When I restart my session, the shell scripts are _not_
> > executed.
> > Any ideas of how to get the scripts to automatically be
> > launched?
> I bet it's because they're shell scripts, and the session manager is only
> looking at applications that are running directly, instead of underneath an
> invisible instance of a shell.  I don't know if that's true, and I have no
> insider knowledge of how any of that works, but I do have an idea for a
> workaround.  Why not start one instance of each out of a run box, so
> instead of having something like this in the process table:
>   /bin/bash /home/you/bin/emacs-foo-script
> You'll have something like this instead:
>   /bin/emacs option option option foo foo foo
> (Or xemacs or whatever.  I don't speak emacs.)
> Why not try setting it up that way and save the session, then see what
> happens?  If it was a stupid suggestion, at least it shouldn't waste vast
> amounts of your time or cause any irreparable harm to anything.
 Thanks for bringing that up.
 I did the following:
 From the 'run command' dialog box, executed
 emacs22-x --title Py-Macs -geometry 
132x72+1+1 -eval "(color-theme-tj-dark-blue)"
 and the instance started as requested.

 Logged out and logged back in. KDE just restarted
 emacs _without_ the options. 

 Would be really cool if KDE had a sort of init.d where you
 could specificy scripts or applications with specific options.

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