Help with Acer 24" monitor

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Tue Jan 1 03:01:37 UTC 2008

On Monday 31 December 2007, cherryfinals wrote:
> P241w model.

> older Asus motherboard

> My problem is that only 1280x1024 will fill the screen properly. If I
> set resolution to 1920x1200, it becomes wider than the monitor and you
> have to scroll around.

What you're seeing is the desktop is 1920x1200, but the actual display window 
is some other size, probably 1280x1024 I'm guessing.

Honestly, if I were in this situation, I would just reach for a live CD of 
some type, and hope it got the X config right, then copy it over to my hard 

Also, if you have Windows on that thing, what does Windows do with it?  (If 
you don't, no complaints here mind you.  Just saying if you have it...)

Ooops, gotta run.  Maybe somebody else will follow up.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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