Problem with kde 3.5.9

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Fri Feb 29 23:00:20 UTC 2008

Valter Mura said the following at 02/29/2008 02:51 PM :
> Hi all
> have you experienced problems while updating from kde 3.5.8 to 3.5.9? I got an 
> error in adept manager.

Nope. I updated my main 64-bit system yesterday. No problems at all (except
a nasty half hour with amarok before I discovered that I had to re-tell it
where my collection was and have it re-scanned; for a while I thought that
all the ratings, etc. had been permanently lost :-( ).

Anyway, the actual update couldn't have gone any more smoothly.

What error message are you seeing?


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