Kindly help me

Phil Bieber philbieber at
Tue Feb 26 12:28:42 UTC 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Najam Arfeen <najmularfeen at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed K Ubuntu version (newest of Nov. or Dec 2007), in Dual Boot
> system with Windows Xp. It was running fine but now whenever I select
> Kubuntu (or any other option like Memory Test) from the Boot Strap Program
> (made in Grub) i got an error i.e. "Error 5 , File Not Found." Whenever I
> select Windows Xp from Other Operating System Options, it is running fine.
> I do want to repair the same problem from the Kubuntu CD, but unfortunately
> I still unable to do it. Whenever I start from the CD there is no option
> appears relating to repairing the Kubuntu Operating System. My system
> configrations are well enough to support the same.
> Pls. help me out in order to set it back again without reinstalling the
> same.
> Regards,
> Najmul Arfeen

Try this how to to repair GRUB:
It should repair your bootloader.
If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask them!

Phil Bieber
Avoid rape - say yes!

Warnings from the manual for Layer Express v2 (an AutoCAD extension):
Written on Page 12 (Blank page separating Ch. 1 & 2):
 To reduce the risk of shock,
 Do not remove the cover of this book.
 No serviceable components inside.

GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber): 0x0185E301
FINGERPRINT: CA81 28C2 E63F DAF8 5ED4 DACB 7C26 EE5B 0185 E301
Phil Bieber - philbieber at

GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber Work): 0x3E43576A
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Philipp Bieber - philipp.bieber at

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