Trying to use printers on house machine from the shop machine [FIXED]

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Sun Feb 24 16:56:27 UTC 2008

On Sunday 24 February 2008, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
>On Sunday 24 February 2008, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> ...have taken the steps to isolate ourselves from the black hats...
>Uh oh.

ROTFLMAO!  OTOH, I wear one quite like it myself when the occasion demands.  
But my beard is a lot longer, whiter and scruffier, as befits someone 40+ 
years your senior, so no chance we would get miss-identified in a crowd.

That looks pretty decent for a 16k jpeg though.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Pascal is not a high-level language.
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