back up to increase partition size

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Fri Feb 22 08:47:25 UTC 2008

2008/2/22, p.daniels <teeahr1 at>:
> On Thursday 21 February 2008 11:07:34 Sylviane et Perry White wrote:
> > IIRC, the windows partition won't be able to handle the permissions, owners
>  and groups for normal files and folders. I *belive* tar will work but I'm not
>  sure.
> Interesting. I did not know that, thx for the tip.

Tar stores the permissions, user and group within the archive. When
you extracting files
from the archive you need some extra options to the command line to
preserve permissions. See -p and --same-owner in the manual.

/ Jonas

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