Accented characters: sudden strange difficulty to produce them.
Bas Roufs
basroufs at
Mon Feb 18 14:12:08 UTC 2008
Dear everybody
Early this morning, I send the mail under the heading ¨Strange laptop
key board problem making me mad.¨
This morning, only this answer in Portugese came in.
> Boa noite, quero me desculpar, e gostaria de propor a vocês para
No doubt, the sender of this message has the best wishes and intentions,
but I cannot find in it a proper answer to my keyboard problem
questions. For those who did not read my message of this morning, I
summarise in it in a few lines. A few minutes ago, I checked everything
again. I went to system settings > Regional & Language > Key board lay
outs. The key board lay-out that is being indicated as the default one
of this laptop is still ´ US intl´ (US, variant ´ international´). A
look at the tab ´ XKB settings´ still clarifies that the left WIN key
ought to be the compose key, So far, so good. However, the key board
settings works only properly in But in all other
applications it does not work. This is absolutely strange, because in my
desktop I have exactly the same keyboard settings - there it works
properly throughout the system, within every single application, in the
framework of exactly the same Linux distro: Kubuntu 7.10.
To make you understand why I attach so much interest to this issue, I
briefly explain what these settings mean. The so-called ´ intrnational´
(intl.) key board variant creates so-called ´ dead keys´ at buttons like
¨, ´ ,`. Pressing them one time and immediately afterwards typing other
characters, deliver characters like é, è, ñ. Pressing one time e.g. ¨
and a second time at the same key or at the big tabulator key, delivers
the character indicated by the key: e.g. ¨ . When I press the compose
key, afterwords by exampe , or /, aftewords a character, I get by
example the following characters: ł, ç. In this way, I can quickly type
texts with accented characters in different languages, as I do daily. At
the laptop, I can only do so now at the OpenOffice applications, like
writer. But for this mail, I have to copy-paste such characters from
O.O. Writer. In this way I simply cannot work productively.
Before sending this mail and the one of this morning, I also tried to
regulate the same key board settings as a ´ root´ user. However, also in
that case, the key board settings I want only work in
May be I have overlooked something because of some tunnel vision.
However it may be, I hope to get a bit of useful feedback on this issue.
Respectfully Yours,
> iHello everybodye
> >
> > At my desktop, I work very well with the key board ´ US Intl´ and a
> > compose key (the left win key in my case): througout the system, with
> > all applications. Until a few days ago, I had exactly the same
> > settings at the laptop. At both machines, I work with Kubuntu 7.10.
> > But because of some mistake I cannot reconstruct any more, the
> > settings there changed - to the effect that I could not compose any
> > accented characters there any more. So far, I managed to solve this
> > problem ONLY partly. I went to system settings > regional/ language>
> > key board. There I chose again ´US´ and the ´ intl.´ variant. At the
> > tab XKB settings, I chose again for the left WIN key as compose key.
> > These changes ONLY effect OPEN OFFICE.ORG. All the other applications/
> > software programs only work with ´US Basic´ instead of ´US Intl´ with
> > the compose key. This simply makes me mad.
> >
> > I also followed exactly the same procedures as a root user: no extra
> > result whatsoever. So, I still have only accented characters in
> > This is simply not acceptable for me. Please,
> > please... help me to get back US Intl. and the compose key throughout
> > the whole system.
> >
> > Thank you very much!
> >
> > Bas.
> >
> > --
> > --
> >
> > ************************
> > Viaconsensus
> > Bas G. Roufs M.A.
> > Van 't Hoffstraat 1
> > NL-3514 VT Utrecht
> > E.: BasRoufs at
> > M.: +31.6.446.835.10.
> > T.: +31.30.785.20.40.
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