help with remote installation

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at
Sat Feb 16 06:25:11 UTC 2008

On Feb 15, 2008 4:37 PM, Yosvany Estévez Orozco
<yosvany01064 at> wrote:
> Hi, I'm a new user in this list and I would like to make 2 questions:
> 1- Can I write messages in Spanish? (cause I'm from Cuba) what's your advise?

I think the general consensus is to keep everything in English on this
list.  There are some Spanish speaking members of the list, but you
would definately get more help if you kept it in English (because
there are more English speakers than Spanish speakers on this list).

I thought there was a Spanish Kubuntu mailing list.  If there was one
it would probably be called kubuntu-es at  Quick google
search shows no results for that email address and the
support page doesn't list a Spanish mailing list.  However, I see they
have an IRC channel for live support, so you aren't totally out of

> 2- Can I install kubuntu remotely from my own LAN? I have some
> workstations running windows and I want to change to kubuntu, however, not
> all my CD drives work properly, neither all the mainboards are the same.
> In this case, the common factor is the network.

Perhaps this may help you?  Looks a little complex, though.


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