Missing kcontrol menus (was: No "GTK Styles and Fonts" in Kcontrol)

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Feb 15 20:04:21 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On 15/02/2008, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
>> In kcontrol, it's _also_ called "Default Applications"
> Thanks. I still don't have it. This is what I do have (translated from
> Hebrew):
> * Spell Checker (green abc-check icon) 

clearly not appropriate in non-latin alphabets!

> * KDE Performance (red rocket icon)
> * Working Manager (red stop button icon)

Session Manager in English

> * File Manager (blue filing cabinet icon)
> * Service Manager (red flag icon)
> * KDE resources (red and blue window icon)
> * File Associations (blue speak-bubble icon)

So you have all the ones I have - except "Default Applications" (which
should have the same icon as the parent "KDE Components"). btw, if I go
into "Default Applications" and choose Help | About Default Applications,
the "about" calls it "Component Chooser".  I still can't figure out what
the actual control module is called.

I've had this sort of problem on and off as long as I've been using Kubuntu,
though more often I have entries in kcontrol that actually reflect control
modules that are broken - right now "Restricted Drivers" is one such,
though since I don't have any restricted drivers I wasn't worring about it.

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