how to get rid of the taskbar in kde4 ? (kicker)

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at
Thu Feb 7 08:29:38 UTC 2008

On 2/7/08, Jussi Schultink <jussi01 at> wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2008 4:19 AM, Andrew Jarrett <jarrett.andrew at> wrote:
> > On Feb 6, 2008 4:31 PM, Mario Spinthiras <mspinthiras at> wrote:
> > > kicker you mean ? killall -9 kicker ?
> >
> > KDE4 doesn't use kicker it uses plasma for the main panel.  From what
> > I can tell, you would have to kill plasma, which would kill the whole
> > desktop.  At this point in the game, I don't think KDE4 has the
> > options to implement the features the OP wants.  Maybe by 4.1 most
> > configuration options for the panels will be implemented. Anyway, I
> > thought that Avant Window Manager was an alternative to KDE and GNOME
> > and not something that could be run inside KDE.
> >
> > Andrew
> >
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> The panel is just another plasmoid on the desktop as far as I
> understand, so it should be able to be removed.

The panel _should_ be another plasmoid, but as far as I can tell (I am
using KDE4 right now) it isn't possible to remove the panel.  However,
it is possible to remove everything on the panel, but I have not found
the way to delete the panel (or even move or resize it --
right-clicking the empty panel does nothing).  It might be possible to
do it manually though (see bottom of email).

> Also Andrew, Avant
> Window Navigator is a a dock similar to an apple dock that can be
> inserted into most desktop environments.
> Jussi

Oh, Avant Window _Navigator_ not _Manager_.  That makes much more sense now.

For the OP:
I just decided to muck about in .kde4 and it looks like I may have
found a way to remove the panel.  Check the file
~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc.  Search the file for "panel"
and play around with that section to see if you can remove it (I would
first start with deleting the section and then relogging
(necessary?)).  Make sure you make a backup so you can restore the
file if anything goes wrong.  I hope this is a step in the right
direction; it may be more difficult than this.


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