Corrupted file on MP4

David Fletcher kubuntu-users at
Sun Feb 3 08:54:31 UTC 2008

On Sunday 03 Feb 2008, Anton Rolls wrote:
> Hi,
> Steve Grace wrote:
> > Many Chinese-made "MP4" players advertise the incorrect capacity (e.g.,
> > 4 GB when they're really 1 GB). Adding files beyond the "real" capacity
> > results in file system corruption. The only way out is to reset the
> > player to the correct capacity and to re-load your files.
> > 
> > See my web page here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Good luck!
> > 
> > Steve

I just took a very quick look at the web site out of curiosity. Issue 3 is 
similar to the problem I had with my music player. I solved it by using 

I have used the procedure once since then, but I ended up with a corrupted 
file in the list and had to delete everything and start again. So I don't 
know for sure if a further rsync operation correctly adds new files to the 
player. But the most important part is, that the tracks from "Dark Side of 
the Moon", "The Final Cut" etc play in the correct order. If the rsync 
solution works for you too, let us know.



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