MP4 conversion app - resolution size

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Fri Feb 1 12:39:26 UTC 2008

Nigel Ridley <nigel at> writes:

> My daughter just bought an MP4 player but when I try to play video
> clips (any of the formats that the player recognizes) that I have
> successfully copied from my Feisty box, I get an error message:
> 'File Format Error'
> Somebody told me it's because the video clip's resolution is too big.

It could be.

> Is there an app that will reduce the resolution size of said clips?

ffmpeg, mencoder, transcode, and a host of similar tools.   Try avidemux
if your release contains it, which has a nice GUI interface to this sort
of thing.

> Is this the answer?

No idea.  It could be, but you have not provided anything like enough
detail for us to know.  Assuming that the device doesn't produce a
helpful error in addition to that particular one ... try it and find

Also useful: try putting some video on there using the supplied Windows
tool, if possible, then extract it to your Feisty system.  That should
give some more information about what is done to the video on the way

Daniel Pittman <daniel at>           Phone: 03 9428 6922
1/130-132 Stawell St, Richmond              Web:
Cybersource: Australia's Leading Linux and Open Source Solutions Company

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