Is there a way to install a keyboard that was programmed for Windows?

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at
Mon Dec 29 03:34:45 UTC 2008

On Sunday 28 December 2008 19:20:53 Steven Vollom wrote:
> There isn't a way to make them work either, is there?


I can't help but be curious as to what features could be installed on a 
keyboard that are so super-spiffy that they require software to run? I can't 
think of any features that I personally would need.

There are ways to map some functions to specific keys in KDE, though. I have a 
key on my laptop which is mapped to Firefox, another mapped to Kontact, and 
so on. My keyboard also has a volume control, which I set up to work with 

So my suggestion is to look into Xkb. It should be in the regular 
repositories, and the documentation is online. With it, you should be able to 
find out what code each key is sending when pressed, and map a function to 

Richard S. Crawford
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