(K)ubuntu on a netbook

chuck adams k7qo at commspeed.net
Sun Dec 28 17:04:08 UTC 2008

On Sunday 28 December 2008 07:03:54 Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Sorry for top posting mobile phone and all
> Real question is there a reason you are running alpha2 software on it?  On
> my dell 9 I have had no problem s with 8.10 on it including wifi

I'll have to go back and try it again with 8.10, but I think I remember
that 8.10 did not have the USB thumb drive install running from the
livecd.  I was experimenting last night on the Acer using unetbootlin
to install another distro to see how a different distro works on the
same hardware.  I am trying different things to get a handle on
just how it all works and interacts....  I obviously have too much
free time on my hands.  :-)


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