Kubuntu on a 'mini' laptop

lanzen lanzenesi at gmail.com
Sat Dec 27 19:49:54 UTC 2008

On Saturday 27 December 2008 19:20:30 Jim wrote:

> Does Ubuntu run on a 2.6.27 kernel yet ?
> A lot of these mini Laptop, the wireless cards and webcams won't run out
> of the box with less than a  kernel 2.6.27,
> that is why I switched my Asus 702 to Fedora 10 it has the kernel-2.6.27
> to run a lot of these mini laptops

I'm running kubuntu intrepid on my asus 1000H and hardy ubuntu eee on a 701. 
You need the customised kernels (Array.org) and scripts to fix some issues but 
they eventually work nicely.


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