(K)ubuntu on a netbook

chuck adams k7qo at commspeed.net
Sat Dec 27 16:11:25 UTC 2008

I recently bought two netbooks (the small
notebook computers).  Both use an Intel
Atom processor at 1.6GHz.

One was an Acer that I picked up at 
Wal*Mart and the other was the lenova
S10 that I purchased at Fry's Electronics
in Phoenix AZ.

For the lenova I found that downloading and
booting the livecd for Ubuntu 9.04 daily-live
I was able to bring up Ubuntu and have the
wi-fi work without any modifications.  I have
yet to get the wi-fi to work with the Acer.
And besides, I upgraded the lenova to 2GB
of RAM for $19 USD and the Acer will not
have an upgrade option.  Ubuntu 9.04 has,
from the running livecd, a facility under
admin to create a bootable USB drive.
And the bootable USB works with the Acer and lenova
netbook computers.

I downloaded the alpha version of Kubuntu
9.04 and found that it does not have the livecd
version and it does not have the create a bootable
USB drive facility, as far as I can tell.  I was wondering
if it would in April of 2009.  I'll attempt a daily-live
build in the next few days, unless someone gives
me an tried and true option.

I will experiment later today to see if the loading
of kubuntu-desktop will convert the systems over
to KDE.  I have never tried the ubuntu to kubuntu
route before.

I chose the netbooks over a PDF reader like Kindle
as I can have a book reader for PDF and DJVU and
other formats, have a running LINUX, and 160GB
of disc space to carry several thousand books 
around without a lot of weight for about the same
money. USD. I have about 35 LINUX books on
the drive along with several hundred others in
scientific areas and I am nowhere near filling the
drive.  Plus I can work on any book that I am
writing using LaTeX and the associated tools.

Hope this helps some.  I can go through the process
in gory detail if needed and I'm sure it is documented
on the web.



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