Problems with Live USB Installtion of Ubuntustudio 8.10

Ash ash8kewl at
Fri Dec 26 17:54:58 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I downloaded the iso. of Ubuntustudio desktop 8.10 and extracted it on
my USB drive through Live USB Creator just like I did for Kubuntu

Upon reboot, with my USB drive plugged in, I get the main page asking
me to run installation or Check CD for errors etc. It shows 2 Errors.

When I start off with the Installation everything is fine till I
finish selecting my Keyboard. Then it starts looking for Hardware and
seek the CD-Rom with installation file.

Do I need to make a CD / DVD copy of the extracted files from my USB
to make this installation successful? or is there a problem with the
iso. image I downloaded and should I download another?

Please advise.

Thank you.



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