I need a stable KEYBOARD centric interface![ KDE4 KRunner???]

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Fri Dec 26 02:45:36 UTC 2008

It would appear that on Thu Dec 25 2008, D. R. Evans did say:

> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook said the following at 12/25/2008 12:12 AM :
> > Changes submitted for bug 151534 [Which unfortunately is considered
> > resolved] 
> I just did a test.
> I started krunner three times. The first time I entered
> "emacs test1". The second time I entered "emacs test2".
> The third time I entered "emacs" and looked at the command
> history. Both "emacs test1" and "emacs test2" were there
> and selectable.
> That seems to be what you're asking for, so I imagine that
> that's why Aaron has marked this bug resolved.
> If you don't agree that that test shows the behaviour you
> want, I think you should start a new bug, and VERY CLEARLY
> walk through a use case that shows the behaviour you want,
> and why it's different from what happens now.  
OK I just rebooted into intrepid and ran a similar test. And I'll have
to admit the functionality is there. And as much as I find 'click' only
controls annoying, that little clickable button isn't that hard to
access, even for someone with my lack of hand to screen coordination.
Aside from the Icons, I guess the only reason why it's different from
the behavior I wanted is that I'd like to be able to pop open that list
without resorting to clicking with the {expletive deleted} rodent.
It used to happen automatically as I type. But that's when
krunner is busy inserting those icons.

> (Also, I suggest that you don't address more than one wish
> in a single bug report; your icon wish should be put into
> a separate report. I know it's tempting to put multiple
> stuff in one report, but it's much cleaner if there's just
> one wish in each bug report.)

So then I should maybe put in two new wish list reports:

One asking for a keyboard shortcut being assigned to the button
that pops open the list. (The down arrow would be an ideal

And the other asking for a configuration option to quell the
use of those icons I find so distracting, -or- at least to
quell the animated way they move into place. (As much as icons
are to me a bunch of meaningless images, I think its the
motion near  the text I'm typing that distracts me the most.

If I go there, I suppose I might as well assume that my issue
with the way krunner pulls up the root version of krusader
until I finish typing the whole command name is a kde issue
unless the kde team tells me it's specific to kubuntu. 

So that would make three separate reports. the first two
being wish list items. But I think the krusader item is more
like a bug than a wish list item.

Then there is the <alt>+<F1> kmenu shortcut that failed me as
soon as I selected the classic kde style menu. But I'm not
sure if I should post that against the kmenu or the keyboard
shortcut section of systemsettings??? (A clue would be
appreciated) I think I'll have to create another dummy user
account in intrepid to see if the short cut still works until
I switch away from the kickoff style menu before I write that
one up. 

By the way, can anyone tell me how to use the keyboard to
activate the menu  in kde4's version of konsole? I didn't find
a choice for that in the keyboard shortcut settings for it. 
Hmmmnnn, I'm up to 5 separate bug/wish list reports already... I'd
say 6 reports, if I thought the kde bugzilla was the place to complain
that inside the krusader application I can't get the file menu with
<alt>+F, nor the edit menu with <alt>+E, nor any of the other menu
categories with the combination of the alt key and the underscored
character of the menu items label anymore... (Worked fine in
the krusader I installed to previous versions of kubuntu, and
other pre kde4 linux distro's...)

I just want to limit the proliferation of unwanted graphic
images (especially animated ones) While maintaining full
keyboard oriented control of what I'm doing. Or at least to
keep as much keyboard control as I've grown used to with
kde3.x... But it seems like I'm going to have to invest a lot
of time begging for it from developers who obviously both like
point n' click, and think animated eye candy is a good
thing. <sigh>

|    ^^^   ^^^
|    <o>   <o>	     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	 ^    		  J(tWdy)P
|	___	       <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>
|      '   `

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