Syncing the Mobile Phone

Randy randy.earl at
Thu Dec 25 17:45:57 UTC 2008

>        I am new to kubuntu and am keen to use it for majority of my
>        needs.  I
>        need to sync the Calendar and Contacts on my Mobile Phone Nokia
>        E61i or other symbian phones as
>        I require them for maintaining my professional (Advocate)
>        committments.
>        Help me to do this either in Kmail; Konqueror; Korganiser;
>        Kontact; or
>        even evolution.  
>        This info would be of immense help to me of using linux in
>        preference to
>        the Windows Vista

I use Kmail and sync it with my Nokia E71.  To perform the sync I use, which I selected for many reasons.  It charges a fee 
(about $15 per year as I recall), but I found that imminently reasonable for 
the value I get from them.  Memotoo allows me to sync my email and PIM data 
across four machine/OS combinations (using dIMAP with my Gmail account), and 
sync effortlessly with my phone.  I am very satisfied with the service.  

Earlier I used Evolution with the Syncevolution application to perform the 
sync, but with Kmail I can do it realtime via syncml.

I would provide more info, but I'm packing to catch an early flight.


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