I need a stable KEYBOARD centric interface![ KDE4 KRunner???]

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Thu Dec 25 07:12:39 UTC 2008

It would appear that on Dec 24 2008, Lindsay Mathieson did say:

> On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 03:03:08 am D. R. Evans wrote:
> >
> > If you have particular features you want to see, I would encourage
> > you to file a wishlist item at bugs.kde.org.
> Is you do so, let the list know so we can vote for it - I would.

Changes submitted for bug 151534 [Which unfortunately is considered

By the way, I've just noticed a related issue with the way
krunner points at krusader in my newly installed and apt-get
upgraded kubuntu 8.10. It's command completion insists on
pointing at a root session of it (which I wouldn't use krusader
for) until the very last character of the command is entered...

Does anyone know if that's kde 4.1.3 itself, or something in
how it's implemented in intrepid???

Likewise I'm getting frustrated by the keyboard shortcut setting
in systensettings under plasma workspace [application launcher]

When I first installed 8.10, it's default <alt>+<F1> worked. But
as soon as I changed to the classic Kmemu style instead of the
kickoff style menu the keyboard short cut stopped working. And
switching back to ugg kickoff didn't fix it.  I've confirmed that
it is still set to <alt>+<F1>.

|    ^^^   ^^^
|    <o>   <o>	     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	 ^    		  J(tWdy)P
|	___	       <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>
|      <sigh>

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