How do I change the default configuration of MPlayer movie player?

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Thu Dec 25 00:22:27 UTC 2008

2008/12/24 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at>:
> Hi Jonas,
> I choose MPlayer too, because it has the aspect ratio feature.  That too seems
> wasteful in terms of mouse clicks.  Each time I open a movie, I have to
> right-click on the title, then choose 16:9 for aspect ratio.  It would be
> better just to click on the title of the movie and have it open as I wish,
> without having to make so many choices.  If it is a 4:3 aspect ration,
> nothing prohibits me from clicking on that choice, the few times it happens.
> Steven

You can change the aspect ratio in Kaffeine to by pressing F5, F6, F7,
F8 or F9 or from the menu, Player > Video > Aspect ratio (don't know
the exact english translation).

/ Jonas

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