Kmail sending problem.

Valter Mura valtermura at
Wed Dec 24 18:15:07 UTC 2008

Il mercoledì 24 dicembre 2008 02:11:12 Steven Vollom ha scritto:
> >Try Google and leave AT&T and send an advice to all your friend.
> > IMHO.
> I don't understand; if I cancel AT&T, I am no longer connected to the
> internet.  The only Google DSL service is a joke service through your
> toilet. That isn't real.  Is there another Google DSL service.
> I pay $15 per month for DSL service with AT&T.  That is all I can afford. 
> All the other services for that price, have bundled services requirements. 
> I can't afford the other bundled services.
> Steven

No, no, no Steven. You have a Google account, haven't you? So, set up Kmail 
with the configuration of Google Mail and go! You  will use AT&T to connect to 
One thing is the Internet connection, one thing are the mail settings!
Mail service, as in the real life, is a service inside the internet: the 
postman (a mail server) sends your mail through the Internet (the roads where 
the postman walks).
Hope this could help you, meanwhile I wish you all a good holiday season!

Registered Linux User #466410
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