How do I change the default configuration of MPlayer movie player?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Wed Dec 24 03:39:21 UTC 2008

> What if the video source has a ratio of 4:3 vouldn't that give some
> strange results?

Hi Jonas,

I really don't know why; it opens in a default right now, but not 16:9.  If I 
want 4:3, I just select 4:3.  Or if I want 16:9, I select that aspect ratio.  
In fact that is what I do, every time I play a movie.  It seems appropriate 
to have it open in 16:9, since that is my choice every time I play a movie.  
16:9 almost fills the screen except for about one half inch at top and 

Wouldn't a movie made in 4:3 be changeable to 16:9 if you wanted to do that, 
using MPlayer?

I really don't know a lot about this, but I do change to 16:9 when I play 
movies, and it seems wasteful to have to click the mouse so many extra times 
to get what I always want.

I choose MPlayer too, because it has the aspect ratio feature.  That too seems 
wasteful in terms of mouse clicks.  Each time I open a movie, I have to 
right-click on the title, then choose 16:9 for aspect ratio.  It would be 
better just to click on the title of the movie and have it open as I wish, 
without having to make so many choices.  If it is a 4:3 aspect ration, 
nothing prohibits me from clicking on that choice, the few times it happens.


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