Kmenu and KDE4

Derek Broughton news at
Tue Dec 23 22:15:04 UTC 2008

Art Alexion wrote:

> On Tuesday 23 December 2008 2:47:46 am John L Fjellstad wrote:

>> A developer is probably hanging out at their
>> developer and user lists (say KDE-developer and KDE-user or
>> whatever), and might get a link to some random user lists where my
>> name shows up. At that point, my opnion doesn't rank any higher than
>> any other Joe Random poster.
> Which I think was the point of others who suggested that developers
> OUGHT to monitor lists concerning their projects.
In this case, though, the "developers" we're talking about are largely 
Kubuntu's packagers.  They're the people who decided KDE4 was ready to 
put into a stable release - and they're the people who should be 
monitoring this list.

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