Kmenu and KDE4

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Tue Dec 23 19:28:10 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 23 December 2008 2:47:46 am John L Fjellstad wrote:
> > Yes, and my point is that if you can't afford scientific market
> > research, you have to use tools, and that is to analyze the complaints
> > according to coherence and reputation of the complainer.
> What reputation?  We're talking about the Internet.  Now, someone like
> Art and Derek might be known here, but they are probably just a random
> guy on the KDE lists.  Now, I personally am waiting for a call from
> President-elect Obama to help him with the economic crisis, especially
> since I've posted on the Economist forums, which make me eminently
> qualified to give an opinion, but that's because I'm an arrogant bastard.

That's very sad.  You mean you take your time following this list.  You read 
the posts, and you never form any opinion as to which posters offer valuable 
help and which should be ignored?  It is like waking up every morning never 
remembering what happened yesterday.

I don't read economist forums and don't have a clue what your economic acumen 

I did recently read of a formerly anonymous blogger who was cited by Nobel 
Laureate Paul Krugmann in his recently revised book.  He cited her not 
because he knew her name, but because of her consistently keen opinions.

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