Kmail sending problem.

Valter Mura valtermura at
Tue Dec 23 18:54:12 UTC 2008

Il domenica 14 dicembre 2008 04:54:19 Steven Vollom ha scritto:
> I apologize to the List.  When I changed to Kmail and stopped using
> Thunderbird, I had sending problems.  Because they don't seem to go away,
> and I haven't been able to fix the reply problem, I decided to use
> Thunderbird again.
> I just sent my first email using Thunderbird and had to resend it.  So it
> is apparent that the problem is probably server related and not Kmail. 
> Although the email did not go to the Outbox, I did get a notification that
> there was a problem connecting with the server, so that is sufficiently
> similar to the problem in Kmail.
> For AT&T to be willing to service a Linux program, there is a required fee
> of $100.  I can't afford that, so I will have to live with the problem. 
> Their service is the only DSL service that is affordable to me.  It's
> always something.

Dear Steven,

I understand you need, as everybody here, an affordable dsl provider to work 
But I think you could change your *mail* provider without concern, as I did in 
the past. I have an Internet provider which is different from the mail I use.
Try Google and leave AT&T and send an advice to all your friend.

Registered Linux User #466410
Kubuntu Linux:
"Coltiva Linux, tanto Windows si pianta da solo"

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