Problems with NTFS external USB drive in Kubuntu (update)

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Dec 19 15:03:19 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 16 December 2008 7:34:02 am Art Alexion wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Eberhard Roloff <tuxebi at> wrote:
> > Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> >> definitely. Since I am on ext3, ntfs problems are a thing of the past.
> >>
> >>> I was thinking I'd create a really small fat32 partion and put the ext3
> >>> driver for windows there so that I could install it if I ever need it
> >>> on a windows system.
> >>
> >> smart idea. Thanks much!
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > it just came to my mind.
> >
> > You most probhably need to have Administrator Privileges to install the
> > Ext3 filesystem driver on windows.
> >
> > That means, that you cannot expect this to work with any windows machine
> > that you see out there.
> >
> > However, 95% of windows machines where the user routinely works as an
> > administrator, might be ok for a start. ;-))
> Good point, Eberhard.  I expect I will be able to gain administrator
> privileges when I need to as it will usually involve a machine I am
> troubleshooting or repairing.
> By the way, it happened  again after a reboot with the drive plugged in.
> Plugged it into gnome laptop and it mounted fine.  This is the same
> version of k/ubuntu.  And it it isn't the individual machine.  At home
> I have a kubuntu 8.04 desktop and a laptop with ubuntu (gnome) 8.04.
> Automounts on the laptop, and won't even create an unmounted device on
> the desktop.  At work, it is the same thing.  Ignored by kubuntu 8.04
> desktop, and automounts on Ubuntu 8.10 desktop and winxp desktop.
> Why is kubuntu or kde having a problem with this drive that other
> systems do not have?

OK.  The problem seems to be with Kubuntu KDE 3.5.10, and not 4.1.  The drive 
mounts fine on Kubuntu 8.10.  The problem exists on three Kubuntu KDE 3.5.10 
machines, while everything works fine on a KDE 4.1 machine and an Ubuntu 8.10 
Gnome machine and an 8.04 Gnome machine.  It also work in WinXP.  The only 
Kubuntu 8.10 machine I tested it on is 64-bit, if that makes a difference.

Thinking it was a problem with ntfs-3g or something, I reformatted the drive 
as ext3.  It made absolutely no difference.

I want to report this as a bug, but have no idea what package to report 
against.  Any ideas?

This is a real PITA because the purpose of the drive depends on it working 
with XP and Kubuntu 8.04.  I have my music on my production Kubuntu computer 
and my iTouch file system is only detected by iTunes 8 (which doesn't run 
under wine or crossover).
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