Have I been removed from the list?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 18 06:29:43 UTC 2008

Dear sirs:

I haven't received any emails from the forum since yesterday, Tuesday, 
12:08am.  Did I get removed from the list?  If I did, would you please tell 
me what I did that was wrong.  The List is very important to me.  I am 
finally, after 3 years of trying to learn, learning how to operate and use 
Kubuntu.  If I have offended anyone, I am sincerely sorry.  If I am doing 
something wrong, please tell me what to do for me to be acceptable.  I love 
this forum.  I will never do anything that hurts it.  If I am hurting it, 
just tell me what not to do, I will comply.

Maybe I am stupid and old, but I am sincere.  Thank you.

Steven Vollom, fine-artist retired

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