Q: how is plasma different?

R C Mitchell rcm at swimbarrow.co.uk
Tue Dec 16 13:24:30 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 16 December 2008 13:00:23 Knapp wrote:
> First there is always Xubuntu, Second, KDE 4 lets you do whatever you want.
> You can make it however you want, also it is themed and someone somewhere
> will make a nice pink and white desktop with roses and ponies before long.

Ho ho!  Very funny!  Have you ever thought of doing stand-up?  You'd be a riot 
at the Drill Hall!

> Watch this:
> http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=RxCK0eWV4h4&feature=related

Boys and their toys, huh?  I see - the flashier the geewhizzery the bigger the 
plonker you are^H^H^H have! ;)

Now, is there anybody else prepared to take on the challenge without being 


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