Email goes to Outbox

David McGlone d.mcglone at
Mon Dec 15 02:47:59 UTC 2008

On Sunday 14 December 2008 2:41:49 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> > Does it always take a click?  I thought you said sometimes it would send
> > right away.
> It happens every time.
> > Have you looked at the 'sending options'  on the bottom of the page of
> > the send account page?  Lots of ways to screw things up there.
> Yes, they verify as correct.
> Is it possible that bad memory or a power supply could trigger a failure? 
> It may be a stupid question, however all the posts relate to potential
> problems that have been checked a dozen times.  Thanks!

Steven send me one of those screenies.

David M.

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