konqueror search engines

David McGlone d.mcglone at att.net
Mon Dec 15 02:43:50 UTC 2008

On Saturday 13 December 2008 11:13:04 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>however new att clients have
> (name)@att.yahoo.com.  So, I thought perhaps that peculiarity was perhaps
> part of the problem.  Apparently it isn't.
> I now believe the problem is with the server, and I cannot afford their
> service fee.  $100 for Linux users.  Still, they are the cheapest monthly
> for DSL, so I must keep them.  $15 per month DSL.
> Thanks for your continued interest and help, but consider the problem
> Resolved, at least as far as I am concerned.  Merry Christmas and Happy New
> Year, my friend.

Steven double check you are using port 995 to send. Also I don't know how many 
times I've had this accident, but make absolutely sure you typed "smtp" and 
not "smpt".

David M.

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