Easytag question Solved

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Mon Dec 15 02:32:45 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday 14 December 2008, Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> OK, the answer, for some strange reason, was the filename!!?? Since both
>> the Hebrew and Russian versions of the book of Acts was affected there had
>> to be a common denominator -- the filenames! Both had all the chapters of
>> Acts as Acts_01, Acts_02 etc. I changed them all to ActsofApostles_01 etc.
>> and lo and behold the book of Acts now starts as it should with - you
>> guessed it - chapter 1 :-)
>> As for the reason, I really don't know. Any body care to offer an
>> explanation?
> What was the original filename of Act 22?   I'm guessing it might have been 
> different.
> I think many mp3 players deal with the filename for ordering.... and I use 
> great care to keep filenames in sort order.

The original [Hebrew] files were in individual zip files for each book, without any 'folders' - I 
created the 'folders' similar to the Russian version which was a complete zip file for the whole 
New Testament, and the folder for 'Acts' was named 'Acts', with the individual chapters following 
the 'Acts_01' format.




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