Kmail sending problem.

Kevin B. O'Brien nadreck at
Sun Dec 14 04:20:09 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> I apologize to the List.  When I changed to Kmail and stopped using 
> Thunderbird, I had sending problems.  Because they don't seem to go away, and 
> I haven't been able to fix the reply problem, I decided to use Thunderbird 
> again.
> I just sent my first email using Thunderbird and had to resend it.  So it is 
> apparent that the problem is probably server related and not Kmail.  Although 
> the email did not go to the Outbox, I did get a notification that there was a 
> problem connecting with the server, so that is sufficiently similar to the 
> problem in Kmail.
> For AT&T to be willing to service a Linux program, there is a required fee of 
> $100.  I can't afford that, so I will have to live with the problem.  Their 
> service is the only DSL service that is affordable to me.  It's always 
> something.
> There is someone else with kmail sending problems, so I will not post this as 
> resolved, but it is resolved as far as I am concerned. 
As far as I know, there is no reason for a server to care about the OS 
used to send mail. I use Thunderbird on both Linux and Windows machines, 
and it works fine on both.

Since the issue you had was with sending, I would go through a checklist 
on configuration. Verify the SMTP server, make sure you have all of the 
usual account information correct. And see if they are using some kind 
of authentication on sending mail. That is something they might be doing 
as an anti-spam measure. Also, are they using the normal port? My 
Comcast account, for instance, forced me to change the port for SMTP 
from the normal 25 to  587. They claimed they had detected spam coming 
out of my computer, but I doubt they could find their ass with both 
hands, so I tend to disbelieve them.<g>


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
nadreck at      Linux User #333216

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