RTL8187B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sat Dec 13 17:19:55 UTC 2008

Lou wrote:
> RTL8187B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you elaborate? Your subject and the contents look suspiciously like 
spam, so it is quite likely that many people on this list don't see your 
mail because it is caught by their spam filters.

Well actually I did some research what you might mean with your mail, but 
I can't really help except explain why possibly nobody replied.

I found several messages from you to this list which were replies to a 
thread about keyboard issues. The problem is that this type of thread 
hijacking is that some people (including me) ignored your mail because 
they didn't read that particular thread. If the person who knows about a 
solution is among those who ignore the thread, you don't get a reply. 
Please don't reply to an existing mail but start a new mail to the list 
to avoid thread hijacking.

Now, if nobody on this list knows how to solve your problem, you could try 
to get help on the usbunt-users list. There are more people on that list 
and you might have more luck because your problem seems not to be 
specific to Kubuntu.


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