konqueror search engines

Valter Mura valtermura at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 11:52:11 UTC 2008

Il giovedì 4 dicembre 2008 02:53:37 Steven Vollom ha scritto:

> I wish I could get kmail working.  It will be the first time I use
> Kubuntu and KDE exclusively.  I have come to believe that using their
> packages until you get used to them will allow their true genius to
> appear.  It has so far in all the other Kubuntu-KDE programs I have
> learned to use.  Including Dolphin for me.  I can remember the change
> and how I resisted.  Now I can't remember what I so needed in Feisty.
> Konqueror and Kmail have been my holdouts, I am ashamed to say.  Those
> who have conquered them have only good things to say about them.  I am
> sure I will agree, once I have given them a fair chance.
> Cordially,
> Steven

Hi Steven,

is stcglobal.net the same provider for the mail or do you use another provider 
to connect to Internet?
Could you log in your mail server and retrieve the settings for it?
Is the POP function activated in the server?

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