KDE4 questions, two problems
Jonas Norlander
jonorland at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 00:05:49 UTC 2008
2008/12/13 Alan Dacey <GrokIt at ajinfosearch.com>:
> I am helping somebody brand new to linux so I started him off with
> Kubuntu 8.10 (imagine that on this list!). Everything was going fine,
> he really likes Amarok 2.0. Then I ran into some problems. I'm waiting
> for KDE 4.2 before I upgrade so I'm not too familiar with all the
> changes. He wanted to look at all his hard drives/partitions and also
> add some programs. I went to Dolphin (& Konq) and tried typed in
> system:/media/ and it said the protocol 'system' is not supported. I
> was also having a hard time finding anything in Adept. I searched for
> vlc and could not find it in the list that was returned. I do not
> understand how the tags and such work since when I clicked on what I
> thought was the right one, I still did not see the vlc player. (at
> least I got to give him a lesson on how to use the command line to
> install things so it was not a total loss) So I have two questions that
> I hope somebody can help me with, I googled but did not find any real
> answers.
> 1- What replaces system:/media/ in KDE4? In KDE3 it's 'Storage Media'
> from the icon next to the Kmenu.
> 2- How do I clearly get the packages I search for to show up in the list
> on the right in Adept? Is there a tutorial on the new tagging system or
> something?
I don't like to install gnome stuff in kubuntu but the new Adept is
almost useless so if he wants a GUI i suggest install synaptic if he
can use CLI use aptitude.
/ Jonas
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