Kmail goes to outbox.

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Fri Dec 12 08:38:16 UTC 2008

Billie Walsh wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> It's a little unfair to blame a program for having trouble 
connecting to
>>> an obviously flaky server.
>> You are 100% correct, AT&T is a flaky server; I only made the post, 
because it never happened before in the 3 years I have used them.  It
started to happen when I got Kmail working.  And for anyone who thinks I
am slamming Kmail.  I like it better that any other mail server I have
ever used, even with the problem.  I just thought if it is something
repairable, it would be nice to have it work.  I am wondering, can
memory problems cause this type of incident?  I am running a memory test
Sunday and won't be on the air.  Thanks!  Especially to you Derek.
>> Steven
> I've never used Kmail but I do know that some e-mail programs have a 
setting to "send immediately" or to send next time they connect. Does
Kmail have a setting like this?
yes you find them in "common options" on the sending accounts in
"configure kmail". Send now, send later etc.

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