screensaver does not work/Amarok does not start

Peter Klaassen peterklaassen at
Wed Dec 10 21:08:25 UTC 2008

Kubuntu HH 8.04 KDE 3.5

error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ invalid ELF header

how is this solved?
removing and reinstalling amarok did not work.

First I installed the MVIDIA driver from the Asus site, because I installed
an 9500 GT 512 PCI-e as my on board video was not powerful enough for
my new 26 inch wide screen. worked fine, after booting in recovery without X 
and on runlevel 3.
Or should I have installed it via Synaptic? If so, which package should I 

Problems occured when I was asked by Vbox 2.2 to in stall the vboxdrv kernel 
module. After a reboot I could no longer start X.
I removed vboxdrv again with modprobe -r.

After a recovery boot and the xfix menu choice I could start X
again in vesa mode, except for above error.

Registered Linux user # 458207

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