Kwallet, can't open?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Dec 7 15:32:54 UTC 2008

I have been problems which involved passwords.  While solving those problems, 
I created a new problem.  I can't add to my passwords; I can't get into 

I finally got kmail to work.  Each time I send an email, I get a request for a 
password.  Immeciately kwallet comes on and makes a request to add the mail 
password.  If I click yes, I get a password from kwallet; when I enter any of 
my many passwords, It doesn't accept them.  I have tried all passwords that I 
can remember, none work. 

Is there a way to resolve this problem.  I don't mind losing kwallet and 
having to reinstall my password protected entries, but is there is an easier 
way, that would save a lot of work.  TIA


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