using -graft-points with genisoimage

Robert Parker rlp1938 at
Sun Dec 7 01:35:46 UTC 2008

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Joerg Schilling
<Joerg.Schilling at> wrote:
> Be careful, genisoimage is a very old version of mkisofs.
> Genisoimage is unmaintained and some people even introduced bugs that
> never have been in the original software.
> Using graft points with genisoimage in your case let's you explore a bug
> that appears with the combination of deep directory nesting and graft points.
> In addition, the permissions of intermediate directories are not correct.
> Better use the original makisofs. It is carefully maintained and does not
> have known bugs.

Thanks for the tip, it's a reminder actually. I used Debian Woody
happily for a few years some time ago now. But I did compile cdrecord
etc from source. And yes I did use smake iirc. Just never had any
problems with cd burning at all.

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