KDE 4.2 Beta 1 availble for Intrepid
Larry Hartman
larryhartman50 at vzavenue.net
Sat Dec 6 15:53:00 UTC 2008
On Friday 05 December 2008 02:20:49 pm Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> Instructions on how to upgrade here:
> http://www.kubuntu.org/node/58
> Warning! unlike neon this will update your current KDE install - there is
> no backing out.
> Having said that I *really* like it, KDE 4.2 is going to be awesome. Actual
> New and improved features in KMail!
Quicky features in kmail immediately after installation. When I restarted the
system nearly all of the quirckiness went away. Akregator still has random
column widths--left over from 4.1.3. Can not seem to redefine. Screensaver
does not produce a dialog box to enter a password in; however, it did let me
back into the system when I typed the password without a displayed box.
> However it is quirky, I had a lot of problems getting kmail running. The
> Akonadi server was broken to start off with and eventually I had to disable
> akonadi altogether.
I deinstalled KDE 4.1 completely, then installed 4.2 by installing package
KDE. Three packages had difficulties during install. Kalzium and kalgebra
shared a file, kmail and oxygen shared a file, and kmouth and oxygen shared a
file. Took me a little while to overcome this. I think meta packages kde,
kdepim, and another meta package was held back.
> The problem with columns loosing their settings and getting random widths
> is worse than ever.
> If you have custom plasma applets they will probably be broken.
> Installation from source can fix this if you'r game :)
The widget for the Home directory on KDE 4.1.3 was nice...I was able to
navigate to a directory of choice inside the widget, then I could open in
Dolphin if I needed to. I can not duplicate this widget in 4.2
> Right click spelling suggestions inline with Konqueror!
> Heaps of UI tweaks which I quite like on the whole. Definitely a big step
> forward, like from 4.0 to 4.1
> --
> Lindsay Mathieson
> http://members.optusnet.com.au/~blackpaw1/album
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