Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Sat Dec 6 07:21:30 UTC 2008

Donn wrote:
> On Friday, 05 December 2008 16:51:02 Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I have a gmail account.
> Steven - you can use your gmail account from kmail (and other email clients 
> too) -- and read about sending/receiving.
> hth
> \d
That is exactly what i would like Steven to try. If that works I would 
say the ISP has some funny protocol/filter whatever problem. If it does 
not work (as it does for me on KDE 3.5.10, Hardy 8.04.1) then there is 
something wrong with the Kmail install.

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