KDE 4.2 Beta 1 availble for Intrepid

Brendan mailinglist at endosquid.com
Sat Dec 6 02:41:22 UTC 2008

On Friday 05 December 2008, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> Having said that I *really* like it, KDE 4.2 is going to be awesome. Actual
> New and improved features in KMail!

FYI, *watch out* for the new sorting/grouping oddness that comes by default in 
Kmail. Took me 30 solid minutes of experimentation just to get threads and no 
groups...I just want a straight sortable subject and/or date. Ugh.

> The problem with columns loosing their settings and getting random widths
> is worse than ever.


> If you have custom plasma applets they will probably be broken.
> Installation from source can fix this if you'r game :)

There are also other plasma packages that get the packages you'll need...
I had good luck with these packages:
ii  kdebase-plasma                             
4:4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1                     plasma widgets from the 
KDE 4 base applications module.
ii  kdeplasma-addons                           
4:4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1                     plasmoids for KDE 4 
Plasma - main package
ii  kdeplasma-addons-data                      
4:4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1                     plasmoids for KDE 4 
Plasma - data files
ii  kwin-style-powder                          0.6-2                                                
Powder plasmaoid window decoration for kde
ii  libplasma-dev                              
4:4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2                     development files for 
theKDE 4 Plasma desktop
ii  libplasma3                                 
4:4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2                     library for the KDE 4 
Plasma desktop

By the way, you can now hide system tray icons. Thank god!

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